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Merging Zoom User Accounts

Modified on: Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 2:57 PM

If a user has changed their Primary Email address, they will occasionally end up with two accounts on Zoom. Often, they will complain that the new account has the correct email address, but they can't see any of their old meetings. In this case, you will need to find both accounts and merge them together. 

  1. Search for the user in AIMS and confirm their primary email address
  2. Confirm that both accounts are on Zoom and on the same domain.
    NOTE: If one account is on the regular domain and one account is on protected, you will need to get both accounts on the same domain before you can merge the accounts. This usually requires a meeting with the user to help them switch and confirm that both accounts are on the same domain before merging. 
  3. Confirm that neither account has a webinar license. If they do have a webinar license in place, you will 
  4. Find the account with the alternate email address. Select the 3 dots at the end of the row to see Options and then select Delete. 
  5. In the pop-up window, select All upcoming meetings, All cloud recording files, and All whiteboard. Then, enter the user's primary email address in the box. 
    Select Transfer Data Then Delete. 
  6. The accounts will merge on Zoom and you can have the user review Zoom to make sure they're seeing all of the meetings they expected. 

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