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FERPA exact scores

Modified on: Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 4:20 PM

We can check in PowerBI to see if someone has passed/failed their FERPA exam, and/or if they have not yet taken FERPA. However, we are not able to see what a user's score is. The process users follow to find out their exact FERPA score varies by campus.


Users should no longer need to know their exact FERPA score, as per Brenda Selman. From Brenda on 4/18/24: "We are going to be removing that question from the form. Until that happens, folks can just put in that they passed, or they didn't. If they don't recall, leave it blank and submit it anyway. Our team verifies the scores regardless of what is listed on the form."


The UMKC Registrar does not have access to FERPA scores. Only UMDW (the UM System Data Warehouse) has these scores in their tables. If someone affiliated with UMKC reaches out to Missouri Online needing to know their exact FERPA score, a Missouri Online staff member may reach out to Lee Larrick or David Reid to obtain a screenshot of the score (please do not ask the customer to reach out to Lee or David--Missouri Online staff should reach out to Lee or David). Once they get the score to you, you can send it along to the customer. Needless to say, only send the person's own score to them.


Users can reach out directly to the Registrar at Rolla to get their FERPA scores, as these are stored in Joe'SS: [email protected].


Users can reach out directly to Kathleen Miguel, Senior Student Support Specialist in the Registrar's office ([email protected]) to get their FERPA scores.


Users who were hired before the FERPA requirement are considered "grandfathered in" and will not have a valid date in the PowerBI report.  They may or may not be required to complete FERPA training by their campus registrar. See this ticket as an example.

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